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Artwork by Rod Holt

Beggar, Beziers

Down from the mountains. Beg food for the dogs, money for me. I’m not old though I look it. I keep hamsters on my person. I see them people milling around, worry in their faces, disdain in their voices but I smiling all the time. Take my picture for a franc or two if you like, money in the hand for that. The heat of the day passes – I stay still and cool, no need to move on. Later, a bar for a carafe of wine and some food, get to feeling nice and disappear into the night. Sleep, dreamless or dreaming, no night visions haunt me. Just sunshine days ahead. I’m only poor in the eyes of those who need more. I have enough and you have your picture.

Journey: Beggar, Bezier

Picture Size

Original: 58 mm x 58 mm (1.5" x 1.5")

Size Diagram


Ballpoint Pen
Watercolour Pencil

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